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Cook Children's
Patient and Family Education

Ultrasound: Abdominal or Renal

What is an ultrasound?

Ultrasound is an exam using sound waves. We take pictures of different organs in the body such as the spleen, liver, kidneys, pancreas, urinary bladder and gall bladder. 

How we do an ultrasound

Our sonographer will meet with you and your child. We will ask about your child’s history, tell you about the ultrasound, and answer your questions. 

  • We place lotion over the area we are looking at. This helps with the pictures.
  • We then rub a small camera around in the lotion. The camera looks like a computer mouse.
  • This camera does not hurt and sometimes even tickles.
  • It is important to be very still during the ultrasound.

Special Instructions

  1. Please report to Patient Registration at your child’s scheduled arrival time. 
  2. Caregivers can stay in the room during the procedure.
  3. Please do not bring other children. Your child will need all of your attention.   
  4. Your child can bring a favorite toy or blanket to snuggle with during the scan.
  5. If you are unable to keep your child’s appointment please call us as soon as possible.

Eating and drinking directions

If your child is having an abdominal (stomach or belly) ultrasound:

Newborn to 12 months

Do not eat or drink anything for 4 hours before the appointment

12 months and older

Do not eat or drink anything for 4 hours before the appointment

If your child is having an renal (kidney) ultrasound:

Newborn to 12 months

Do not eat anything for 2 hours before the appointment

You may drink clear non-carbonated liquids until the time of the appointment.

12 months and older

Do not eat anything for 2 hours before the appointment

You may drink clear non-carbonated liquids until the time of the appointment.

After the ultrasound

After the exam is over, your child:

  • May eat and drink as usual.
  • May return to normal activities.

A radiologist reads the exam and sends the results to your child’s doctor. You may contact your child’s doctor for the results.

Radiology Imaging

801 7th Ave.
Fort Worth, 76104


This content is reviewed regularly and is updated when new and relevant evidence is made available. This information is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new treatment or with questions regarding a medical condition.