The Library website is available to everyone at any time and on any device, even if you are not on the Cook network. If you are non-exempt (hourly) you may still have use of the Library resources for personal use outside of your work hours. Search ULearn for the Remote Access Acknowledgement form.
Will I need to log in when I am on campus?
No, your experience when on the campus network will not change. However, you will no longer HAVE to be on the network to search and use the library's books, journals, and databases.
How can I access the Libraries' resources without coming through the library website first? I often start at Pubmed, Google, or Google Scholar.
Will the login link or screen look the same for all resources?
No, the login may differ by publisher website. Look for login links, usually in a menu at the top of the screen. For example, below is the login process for the AAP and for Wiley Online Library.
When connected to the Cook network via VPN* or MyAccess:
*Some of the Library's resources are not accessible with the VPN connection.
What happens if I change devices or use a different browser? Will OpenAthens remember me?
OpenAthens uses cookies to remember your device’s IP address. If you change web services – from Firefox to Chrome or Internet Explorer – you will be asked to login again. Additionally, if you change devices, like from a laptop to a mobile phone, you will be asked to login again.
What happens if I clear my cookies daily, weekly, or monthly?
You will be asked to login again.
What happens if I never clear my cookies or change my browser?
It depends on your browser, but generally, OpenAthens' temporary browser cookie expires every eight hours. After eight hours, you will be prompted to log in again. Also, if you clear your browser cookies or close your browser session, the cookies are lost and you will need to log in again.
My saved links or bookmarks to the Libraries' resources no longer work. What should I do?
The best solution is to create a new bookmark following these steps:
The site I am accessing doesn't load right or my browser presents an error message, what should I do?
Modern browsers store copies of viewed web pages in a cache so that, if requested again, these pages can be viewed more quickly. However, if a page does not load completely or correctly, your browser may store a corrupted version of the page that will be shown when you attempt to load the page again. Clearing a browser's cache will fix these problems, and should always be a first step when confronting page load errors. In some cases clearing a browser's history may also fix these problems. This website tells you how to do this for each browser on the market.
Access Schwarz Health Sciences Library resources from off-campus using your computer, phone, or tablet. Watch this 3 minute video to learn more.