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Cook Children's
Schwarz Health Sciences Library

Sharing articles or book chapters

Cook Children's has an Annual Copyright License with the Copyright Clearance Center. This license allows employees to share content from covered publications internally. Note: Coverage does not allow for content to be used in publications or off-campus presentations. To share with external audiences, you may need to get permission and possibly pay royalties to the publisher. 

With Copyright Clearance Center’s (CCC) Annual Copyright License you can:

  • E-mail online articles to fellow employees at Cook Children's.
  • Distribute copies of published articles at internal meetings held at Cook Children's.
  • Share electronic copies of works internally through intranet (Cooknet) postings and collaboration applications.
  • Print and copy published articles to share with fellow employees at Cook Children's.
  • Attach copies of articles to internal company communications, such as newsletters.

The license also authorizes external distribution of materials in two situations:

  • You may share a single electronic copy of an article with a patient or family member upon request. However, if there is an article or a pamphlet that you routinely give, or something in a packet that you give to every patient, you should either purchase enough copies for everyone, request permission, or pay royalties. We can help you with this process.
  • Fulfillment of government regulatory requirements (with appropriate notices).

If you want to share something that isn't covered or if you need it for an external audience or publication, contact us. We can help secure permission for you. Royalty fees may be required depending on the response from the copyright owner.

To Check Coverage

  1. Search for a book or journal title by name, by publisher or by ISBN/ISSN (hint: ISSN or ISBN is easiest).
  2. Click the “View more uses” link to open the Rights Summary Page.
  3. Verify what uses are covered.

RightFind Overview